If the wire as it is running is found to fail any of the tests, an accumulator above the barrel pack automatically closes and captures the suspect cable before it enters the barrel. 如电线未能通过任意一项测试,电线卷筒上方的蓄电池将自动关闭,并在其进入卷筒之前找出疑似不合格的电缆。
This paper introduces the components and functions of cadmium-nickel accumulator DC distribution board, and expounds the matters needing attention in the running and operating of DC distribution board and the maintaining of cadmium-nickel accumulator. 介绍了镉镍电池直流配电屏的组成及功能,并对直流屏运行和操作中应注意的问题及镉镍蓄电池的维护等进行了阐述。